Seedlings Of Divinity
The Most Powerful Knowledge We Can Possess
You Are Of Noble Birth
Our entire perspective of ourselves, our worth, and what we can make of our lives is altered for good when we come to understand that we are God’s child and that we can become like Him.
What if you could experience the power of understanding your divine identity?
This has been a favorite topic of mine for a long time. I have been excited to share this information with you; and with those who do not know that they are of divine origin. It gives me great hope for my future, there is power that comes when we know the possibilities that are within us because we are of godly origin. It helps me to understand God’s plan, that we were created to become Celestial Beings, and that we can become glorious, just as He is.
We will be dwelling on this gospel truth today because I want my followers to understand the importance of knowing who we truly are. It will make the biggest difference in your becoming. We are coming to the season for planting the seeds that will reap a desired harvest. The seeds you plant, especially the divine seeds, need to be a conscious choice; to bring the blessings of heaven into your home more abundantly.
Divine Identity - What Is It?
A good place to start, with knowing and understanding this truth, is to open your heart to the Holy Ghost. He will bear witness to your spirit that you are, in truth, a child of God. As you seek to know your Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, the Spirit will acknowledge to you that you are His child ... that He is the Father of your spirit.
Deep within the acorn seed is the potential for something magnificent! As a tiny seed, is nourished by the earth and warmed by the sun ... will in time grow into a majestic oak. Like acorns, we can grow to become majestic and glorious like the Father of our spirits.
It doesn’t matter how many generations are in your mortal ancestry, It doesn’t matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God!
Spiritually you are of noble birth, the off spring of the King of Heaven. His kind and loving Spirit will confirm to your spirit, your true identity and great worth in His sight. What a life-changing powerful truth to ponder in your mind ... a truth you must hold on to. In fact now is a great time to turn to the Lord in mighty prayer and ask Him to confirm to your heart your divine origin, His place in your life, and what your purpose is as a child of God.
A Loving Father in Heaven
Your divinity is what will really matter when you come face to face with life’s challenges and dilemmas. You will want to know deep in your heart that you have a loving Father and Savior that walks with you everyday as you seek Him through prayerful pleadings, scriptural searchings, and obedient strivings. Coming to know your Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, and truly feel their love for you, has the potential to change everything!
This Primary song is one that can help us to feel God’s love and His desire to communicate with each one of us. It’s so touching to hear the little children sing it, they feel His love and our hearts can feel joy as we open up to the possibility of a loving Father.
Childs Prayer
1. Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer ev’ry child’s prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago:
“Suffer the children to come to me.”
Father, in prayer I’m coming now to thee.
2. Pray, he is there;
Speak, he is list’ning.
You are his child;
His love now surrounds you.
He hears your prayer;
He loves the children.
Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav’n.
Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b. 1938
Brigham Young has shared with us this enlightenment, “When you ... see our Father, you will see a being with whom you have long been acquainted, and he will receive you into his arms, and you will be ready to fall into his embrace and kiss him.”
Take a minute to think back to what you learned about the great war in Heaven. Satan was set on destroying your belief in, and knowledge of, your relationship with God. Since that time, you have been blessed with a clear vision and understanding of your true identity. You know that God made you in His image, after His likeness. Prophets have proclaimed that you are a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and as such you have a divine nature and destiny.
Our relationship with God is not that of Creator and created thing. It is of a personal Father and child. Knowing these truths with certainty helps us overcome trials, troubles and afflictions of every kind.
When asked, “How can we help those struggling with a personal challenge?” an Apostle of the Lord instructed, “Teach them their identity and their purpose.”
Your Divine Purpose
You are the gardener of your mind and you are sowing seeds every moment of every day with the thoughts, intents and the actions you take. The seeds you plant today will determine tomorrow’s harvest. You will want to choose your thoughts wisely ... invest in thoughts that will see you through to eternity where you can once again dwell with your Father.
It is invaluable to understand your divine nature, your potential as a child of God needs to become very real in your heart so that you can partake of the precious promises and blessings that God has in store for you. Knowing the possibilities for yourself, a life with no limitations, you can choose to become anything that you have been desiring; that is godly in nature.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10
I invite you to take the time to come to know that God lives. There is evidence of His existence everywhere! Come to know, to truly know. It is when you are uncertain about life, who you are and why you are here, that you create in your heart and mind a lack of confidence and a fear for the future. It is best not to hesitate to make commitments because of your fear of failing, even when good opportunities present themselves. Don’t lose out because you prefer to hang out in the cozy comfort of your chaotic lives. There is so much more!!
The main goal or purpose in this life is to prepare to meet God ... to become as He is. This life is your big moment to change, to transform into the person that is ready to meet God. Your happiness depends on if you truly understand and cherish your divinity, your noble birthright as a child of God. Embrace it!
Make your life a triumph, not a tragedy.
Design it and then plant the tiny seeds and watch for something magnificent!
Love to all,